The compensatory tank for brake liquid is located in a motor compartment. The stopper of a tank is equipped with a ventilating opening which should not be corked.
The tank has the transparent case and consequently level of brake liquid can be supervised outside.
Level of brake liquid should be always closer to a label the MOVE.
If level of brake liquid too low, before removal of a stopper from a compensatory tank wipe pure rags a stopper and a place about a stopper from pollution to avoid their hit in a hydraulic contour of brakes and coupling.
Add brake liquid of the recommended brand in a tank. Mixing of various types of brake liquid can damage hydraulic system.
Fill a tank with brake liquid only to a dotted label. It will provide normal level at installation on a stopper tank with a float for level control.
The brake liquid used in hydraulic system of brakes, is poisonous, therefore at its hit on skin it is necessary to wash away immediately it a large amount of water.
If liquid on imprudence got to eyes or in an organism, immediately address to the doctor.
Brake liquid dissolves paint and plastic therefore at liquid hit on a paint and varnish covering of the car wash out it a large amount of water.
Brake liquid is hygroscopic, that is absorbs moisture from air therefore it is not recommended to use the liquid, stored a long time in open ware.
Brake liquid should not contact with mineral oils. Even a small amount of mineral oil worsens properties of brake liquid and can put out of action brake system.
At the removed cover examine internal surfaces of a compensatory tank. If on walls of a tank there are deposits or there are water droplets, replace brake liquid.
After filling of a tank check that the cover is reliably fixed on a tank.
Level of brake liquid can slightly decrease at car operation owing to wear of brake slips and automatic control of brake shoes. This quite normal phenomenon.
If level of brake liquid considerably decreased for short term or became below MIN label tightness of brake system, most likely, is broken. About too low level of brake liquid in a tank the control lamp signals.