Do not allow hit of cooling liquid on clothes and a paint and varnish covering of a body. Otherwise wash out a surface a large amount of water.
Collect and utilize the merged cooling liquid.
The liquid system of cooling of the engine closed, has the broad tank located in front at the left in a motor compartment as a compensatory element. The broad tank is connected by a hose to the basis of a jellied mouth of a radiator. At operation of the engine cooling liquid at the expense of heating extends, and the part of liquid through шлаг gets to a broad tank. When cooling engine the volume of cooling liquid decreases, and it from a broad tank comes back to cooling system, providing an optimum level.
Regularly check level of cooling liquid. It should be between FULL and LOW labels on a broad tank. Level of liquid changes depending on engine temperature. At the cold engine level should be about a label of LOW or slightly above it. After engine warming up level should be about a label of FULL or slightly below it. Otherwise remove a stopper from a broad tank and add cooling liquid. Use only cooling liquid on a basis этиленгликоля and the distilled water. Do not use additional ingibitorny and other additives. If only the small amount of cooling liquid is required, it is possible to add the pure distilled water.
Do not pour cooling liquid above FULL mark: superfluous liquid at expansion will follow from cooling system through the safety valve located in a stopper.
Fast falling of level of cooling liquid indicates a leak and need of its elimination. Check a condition of a radiator, the water pump, hoses, connections and jams plum on existence of traces of a podtekaniye on them. If leaks are not found, check at service station pressure of opening of the valve in a radiator cover.
At big loss of cooling liquid add it only after engine cooling to avoid an exit it out of operation because of sharp cooling.
When opening a cover of a radiator on the hot engine be careful, as leaving pairs can lead to strong burns. Close a radiator cover a thick layer of a fabric and slowly unscrew a cover to a hissing sound. After the hissing termination slowly turn on and uncover a radiator.
At check of level of cooling liquid check its condition. Liquid should be pure and transparent. If cooling liquid has brown color or color of a rust, merge liquid, wash out system of cooling and fill in fresh cooling liquid.
Without fail change cooling liquid after carrying out any works on elements of system of cooling with plums of cooling liquid. If at repair the head of the block of cylinders, laying of a head of the block, a radiator or the oil heat exchanger was replaced, fill in in cooling system fresh cooling liquid. It is connected with that the anticorrosive additive in cooling liquid at operation of the engine is besieged and creates anticorrosive protection. In the cooling liquid which were in operation, anticorrosive additives are insufficiently active to form a protective layer on again established details.