Recommended periodicity: each 12 000 km of run or 6 months.
Press a coupling pedal before emergence of considerable resistance at which process of switching off of coupling begins, and by a ruler measure a free wheeling of a pedal. The free wheeling of a pedal should be in precisely established limits, otherwise it is necessary to execute adjustment.
Fig. 2.10. Adjustment of a free wheeling and height of installation of a pedal of coupling: 1–lock-nut of adjustment of a free wheeling; 2–bolt of adjustment of height of installation of a pedal; And — a free wheeling; In — height of installation of a pedal of coupling
For adjustment weaken a lock-nut 1
(fig. 2.10)
on the rod end.
Turn or turn out a rod before receiving the demanded size of a free wheeling And a coupling pedal then tighten a lock-nut 1.
After adjustment of a free wheeling check height In installations of a pedal of coupling. For adjustment weaken a lock-nut 2
(fig. 2.10)
and, rotating an adjusting bolt 2, establish the demanded height In installations of a pedal of coupling. Tighten a lock-nut 2.