Recommended periodicity: each 12 000 km of run or 6 months.
For safety at replacement or shift of wheels carry out the following rules:
– establish the car on a firm horizontal nonslipping platform;
– tighten the lever of the parking brake, switch off ignition;
– include the first or reverse gear, or put the lever of an automatic transmission in the situation "R";
– enclose under wheels an emphasis to prevent a car skatyvaniye.
Are not at all under the car, standing on a jack (if necessary establish it on basic racks).
Shift of wheels make according to the schedule of maintenance or in case of non-uniform wear of tires.
Fig. 2.18. Scheme of shift of wheels: LF — a forward left wheel; RF — a forward right wheel; LR — a back left wheel; RR — a back right wheel; SPARE — a spare wheel (type of the tire same, as well as other wheels)
After shift of wheels with the tires having directed drawing of the protector, they should rotate in the same party, as before shift
(fig. 2.18)