Recommended periodicity: each 50 000 km of run or 24 months.
Check of system of production of the fulfilled gases make in some hours after engine switching off.
For a free access to system of production of the fulfilled gases lift the car on the lift.
Check pipes and their connections on absence of leakages of exhaust gases which testify to their serious corrosion or damages.
Check a condition of arms and suspension brackets of system of release.
At the same time examine the car bottom on lack of through openings, the corrosion open seams etc. through which the fulfilled gases can get to salon of the car. Cover with silicone hermetic all found openings.
Check, that elements of system of production of the fulfilled gases were established freely, without tension, with a sufficient gap concerning body elements.
Check an engine condition, examining an internal part of an exhaust pipe. If the pipe black also is covered with a layer of soot or white flakes, means, the engine is necessary for adjusting, including complete survey of fuel system.