The drive of the generator, the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering and the compressor of the conditioner is carried out by poliklinovy belts.
On models till 2001 one belt for a drive of the generator and the second belt for a drive of the compressor of the conditioner and the pump of the amplifier of a steering is used, and on models since 2001 one belt of bigger length is used.
Establish the gear shifting lever in neutral situation.
With chalk put a label on a belt.
For a bolt of fastening of a pulley turn a cranked shaft clockwise before emergence of a label, thus visually check a belt condition.
On a poliklinovy belt the following defects can be found:
– oil and greasing traces;
– wear of edges of maple ledges;
– hardening of edges of maple ledges;
– cross-section cracks from a reverse side of a belt;
– otsloyeniye of separate ribs;
– razlokhmachivaniye of face edges of a belt;
– cross-section cracks in some ribs;
– destruction of separate ribs.
In the presence of any of defects replace a belt.
On release cars till 2001 the tension of poliklinovy belts is regulated manually, and since 2001 — automatically.
Tension of a belt it is checked by measuring Nippondenso or Burroughs devices. Measure a belt tension according to factory instructions on Nippondenso or Burroughs devices and compare the measured size to values of a tension for a belt new or being in the use.
The term «being in the use» in this management belongs to a belt which was used more than 5 minutes.
Fig. 2.13. Measurement of a tension of a poliklinovy belt on release cars till 2001 in pressing of a thumb of a hand a belt branch
In the absence of measuring devices it is possible to use a simple method which provides acceptable accuracy of a tension of a belt. A hand thumb with moderate effort press a belt branch in a point being equally spaced from the centers of pulleys
(fig. 2.13)
. Measure a deflection of a belt which should be 6–6,5 mm at distance between centers pulleys of 180-280 mm and 12,5–13 mm at distance between centers pulleys of 305-405 mm.