For check of thickness of back brake shoes, without removing brake drums, remove rubber caps from a protective casing of a back brake and will light
Fig. 2.20. An opening arrangement on a protective casing of the back brake closed by a rubber cap, for survey of back brake shoes
small lamp through openings on brake shoes
(fig. 2.20)
. Visually define thickness of brake shoes.
If it is visually difficult to define thickness of brake shoes or there is a suspicion on an unsatisfactory condition of blocks, remove them for further survey.
Establish the car on a firm horizontal platform.
Enclose under forward wheels an emphasis for prevention of a kacheniye of the car.
Weaken bolts of fastening of back wheels, lift a back part of the car and fix on supports. Remove back wheels.
Remove brake drums.
By calliper measure thickness of overlays of back brake shoes. If overlays of brake shoes are higher than heads of rivets on 1,6 mm, brake shoes are suitable for further operation, otherwise replace all four brake shoes in a set.
Replace brake shoes also in case overlays of blocks have cracks, are greased or polluted by brake liquid.
Check a condition of returnable and holding springs of back brakes.
Unscrew protective covers of working brake cylinders and check absence of leakages of brake liquid. If under protective covers there is a brake liquid, replace working brake cylinders.
Check a condition of brake drums on lack of cracks, scratches, deep flutes and overheat traces. If it is impossible to eliminate defects, replace brake drums.
Establish brake drums.
Establish wheels and lower the car.