Before trying to define a malfunction source, study the corresponding scheme of electric equipment for receiving idea of elements in this chain.
Check of an electric chain of the engine of a screen wiper make as follows:
Disconnect the electric socket from the screen wiper engine, the switch include a screen wiper and shchupy a tester check that on one of contacts of the socket moves tension of the storage battery. If the following checks do not give positive results, it is necessary to address for repair on service station.
If brushes of a screen wiper move slowly, check degree of a charging of the storage battery. If the battery is completely charged, remove the engine of a screen wiper and manually move screen wiper levers.
Check all drafts of a screen wiper and grease hinges of drafts.
If screen wiper brushes still move slowly, check electric sockets and places of connection of wires on absence of corrosion, especially in junctions with "weight". If all connections and sockets are in a normal state, replace the screen wiper engine.
Fig. 15.30. Arrangement of components of forward and back screen wipers: 1–a tank with washer liquid for forward and back glasses; 2–engine and drafts of a screen wiper of a windscreen; 3–switch of cleaners and washers of glasses; 4–ignition lock; 5–engine and drafts of a screen wiper of back glass; 6–safety locks and relay of cleaners and washers of glasses
If at inclusion screen wipers do not work, check integrity of a safety lock
(fig. 15.30)
If the safety lock is serviceable, an additional wire connect a point of connection with "weight" on the engine and to the negative plug of the storage battery. If the engine of a screen wiper started to work, restore connection of the engine with "weight". If the engine still does not work, the switch include screen wipers and check, whether tension to the engine moves. For access to the electric socket it is necessary to remove a cowl.
If tension on contacts of the socket is present, remove the engine of a screen wiper and check its working capacity, having connected it additional wires to plugs of the storage battery. If the engine earned, check all drafts of a screen wiper and grease hinges of drafts.
If tension on contacts of the socket of the engine does not move, check, whether tension to contacts of the relay of a screen wiper moves. If tension moves to contacts of the relay of a screen wiper, check the switch of screen wipers. If the switch is serviceable, the relay is probable, faulty. Remove the relay and check it.
If the mode of faltering work of screen wipers does not work, check an electric chain between the switch and the control unit screen wipers.
If brushes of screen wipers are not established about a starting position at switch switching off, check that tension on contact останова and the electric socket is present at switched-off (OFF) the screen wiper switch, at the included ignition (ON). In the absence of tension check an electric chain between the engine of a screen wiper and the block of safety locks.