Periodically examine on all length the wires connected to the storage battery, on absence of the damages, the damaged and burned-through isolation and corrosion. The unreliable connection of wires increasing resistance of contact, will reduce size of the current consumed by a starter, and it will create difficulties at engine start-up.
Check clips on the ends of wires on absence of corrosion. Presence of white flakes under isolation testifies that the wire underwent impact of corrosion and it is necessary to replace it. Check clips on absence of the deformation reducing a spot of contact to the plug of the storage battery.
Replacement of wires of the storage battery make as follows:
At first disconnect a wire from the negative plug of the storage battery, take him aside and isolate for an exception of casual connection to the storage battery.
Even if it is necessary to replace only a wire connected to the positive plug, first of all disconnect a wire from the negative plug of the storage battery.
After a detachment of wires from the storage battery, disconnect them from the opposite sides.
Fig. 15.1. A place of connection of a "mass" wire to a car body
Disconnect wires from the traction relay of a starter, the block of safety locks and "mass" wires from a body and the power unit
(fig. 15.1)
Note an arrangement of each wire to guarantee the correct installation of a new wire.
At replacement of wires use new wires with the same sections and length as replaced. Positive wires of usually red color also have bigger section (diameter), and negative — black color and their section is less, than positive wires.
Wire brush clear carving contact of the traction relay of a starter. For protection against corrosion apply a thin film technical vaseline on plugs of the storage battery.
Fix on new wires clips for connection to plugs of the storage battery and fix them a bolt and a nut, having tightened them it is very reliable.
Before connection of a new wire to the storage battery be convinced that the wire will not be tense.
After installation of new wires connect a "weight" wire to the negative plug of the accumulator.