Frequency of rotation of idling is established at plant and does not demand adjustment in use the car. However at replacement of throttle knot if the screw of adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling rotated, it is necessary to inspect and adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling at service station.
The IAC valve operates amount of the air arriving bypassing a butterfly valve in cylinders of the engine on frequency of rotation of idling. The valve copes the control unit the engine depending on engine loading (air conditioning, a steering drive with the amplifier) and an operational mode (the cold or hot engine).
Replacement of the valve of a control system with frequency of rotation of idling (IAC) make as follows:
– remove throttle knot;
– turn out screws and remove the valve of a control system of frequency of rotation of idling and its laying;
Installation make in sequence, return to removal. At installation use new laying.
Fig. 7.23. An arrangement of the valve of a control system of frequency of rotation of idling (IAC) on models till 2001 of release
Fig. 7.24. An arrangement of the valve of a control system of frequency of rotation of idling (IAC) on models since 2001 of release