The sensor of a measuring instrument of a consumption of air is located on an air inlet branch pipe. The stream of air arrives in the engine through a measuring instrument with the warm wire element forming a part of the bridge scheme. The current passing through this wire element, maintains its constant temperature at constant level, which above, than temperature of air arriving in the engine. The mass of air is determined by a current. The signal of tension is processed in the control unit by the engine in parallel with parameter of frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft. The sensor of temperature is established in a measuring instrument of a consumption of air in order that the target signal did not depend on temperature of air arriving in the engine. On the basis of information from the sensor, the control unit the engine calculates width of the impulse submitted on nozzles therefore the amount of fuel of the engine submitted to cylinders changes.
Replacement of the sensor of a measuring instrument of a consumption of air (MAF) on models since 2001 make as follows:
– switch off ignition and disconnect a "weight" wire from the storage battery;
– disconnect from the sensor the electric socket;
Fig. 7.9. Arrangement of screws of fastening sensor of a measuring instrument of a consumption of air
– turn out 2 screws and remove the sensor of a measuring instrument of a consumption of air with sealing rings
(fig. 7.9)
Installation carry out to sequences, return to removal. At installation of the sensor use new sealing rings.