The sensor of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft (CKP) defines the moment of injection of fuel and ignition for each cylinder. On models till 2001 the sensor is established under a casing of a gear belt, near a pulley of a cranked shaft.
Replacement of the sensor of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft (CKP) make on the cold engine as follows:
– switch off ignition and disconnect a "weight" wire from the storage battery;
– remove the bottom protection of a motor compartment;
Fig. 7.12. An arrangement of the sensor of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft (CKP) on models of 1996
Fig. 7.13. The sensor of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft (CKP) on models since 2001: 1–top casing of a gear belt; 2–bottom casing of a gear belt; 3–pulley of a cranked shaft; 4–sensor of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft
– on models till 2001 for access to the CKP sensor remove a casing of a gear belt
(fig. 7.12, 7.13)
– disconnect from the CKP sensor the electric socket;
– turn out a bolt and remove the CKP sensor.
Installation carry out to sequences, return to removal.