Removal of window regulators of forward doors make as follows:
Remove from a door an upholstery and a pylevlagozashchitny film.
Remove glass from a door.
On models with an electric drive of a window regulator, disconnect the electric socket from the window regulator engine.
Fig. 14.37. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a window regulator of a forward door on models till 2001
On models till 2001 turn out bolts of fastening of a window regulator and take it from a door
(fig. 14.37)
Fig. 14.38. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a window regulator of a forward door on models since 2001: And — a window regulator with a manual drive; In — a window regulator with an electric drive
On models since 2001 window regulators of "nozhnichny" type are established. Note situation top roller directing, turn out bolts of fastening of a window regulator and take it from a door
(fig. 14.38)
Installation of window regulators of forward doors make in sequence, return to removal.
Grease roller directing, a roller and all mobile connections of a window regulator.
Fix a pylevlagozashchitny film, having established it without folds and gaps. The surface on which the pylevlagozashchitny film is pasted, should be ideally pure.