If start of the engine is possible in any other situation, except «P» and «N», adjust the switch of blocking of a starter.
Tighten the parking brake and block back wheels. Lift a forward part of the car and establish it on support. Remove a mudguard of a motor compartment.
Establish the selector lever in car salon in the situation "N".
Weaken bolts of fastening of the switch of blocking of a starter.
Establish the lever of a choice of transfers on a transmission in the situation "N".
Fig. 9.23. Line (1) combination on the switch of blocking of a starter with a flute (2) on a shaft of the lever of a choice of transfers on models with one leading bridge of release 1996 and 1997 and all-wheel drive models from 1996 to 2001
Fig. 9.24. Line (2) combination on the switch of blocking of a starter with a flute (3) on a shaft of the lever of a choice of transfers and an arrangement of bolts (1) fastening of the switch on release models since 2001
Combine the line on the switch of blocking of a starter with a flute on a shaft of the lever of a choice of transfers
(fig. 9.23, 9.24)
Tighten bolts of fastening of the switch of blocking of a starter and check its work. If start-up of the engine is still possible in any other situation, except «P» and «N», replace the switch.
Switch off ignition and disconnect a "weight" wire from the storage battery.
Tighten the parking brake and block back wheels. Lift a forward part of the car and establish it on support. Remove a mudguard of a motor compartment.
Establish the selector lever in car salon in the situation "N".
Unscrew nuts and remove the lever of a choice of transfers from a transmission shaft.
Disconnect the electric socket from the switch.
Turn out bolts and remove the switch from a shaft of a choice of transfers of a transmission.
Combine the line on the switch with a flute on a shaft of a choice of transfers and establish the switch on a shaft.
Turn the switch before line combination on the switch of blocking of a starter with a flute on a shaft of the lever of a choice of transfers (see
fig. 9.23, 9.24
). Tighten bolts of fastening of the switch and connect to it the electric socket.
Establish on a shaft the lever of a choice of transfers and connect a "weight" wire to the storage battery. Check operation of the switch. Start-up of the engine should be possible only in position of the P and N selector.