RAV4 PAB4-Toyota Toyota
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance
3. Engines
   Engine 3S-FE repair without its removal from the car
   Engine 1AZ-FE repair without its removal from the car
      General information
      Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in the top dead point (VMT)
      Cover of a head of the block of cylinders
      System of change of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye (VVT — Variable Valve Timing)
      Chain of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism and asterisk
      Camshafts and pushers of valves
      Inlet collector
      Final collector
      Head of the block of cylinders
      Pulley/quencher of fluctuations
      Forward sealing ring of a cranked shaft
      Oil pallet
      Oil pump
      Drive flywheel / plate
      Back sealing ring of a cranked shaft
      Support of the power unit
   Diagnostics and preparation of the engine for major maintenance
4. Cooling and conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of production of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. Transmission
10. Driveshaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. Suspension bracket
13. Steering and running gear
14. Body
15. Electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Engines>> Engine 1AZ-FE repair without its removal from the car>> Oil pump
Removal make in the following order:
– remove a chain of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism and an asterisk from a cranked shaft;

Fig. 3.90. Installation of a shponka of a cranked shaft in the left horizontal situation (And) after turn cranked an engine shaft on 90 ° counter-clockwise and a bolt arrangement (In) fastenings of a natyazhitel of a chain of a drive of the oil pump

– turn a cranked shaft of the engine on 90 ° counter-clockwise (from VMT) and establish a shponka And (fig. 3.90) of a cranked shaft in the left horizontal situation, then turn out a bolt In and remove a natyazhitel of a chain of a drive of the oil pump;

Fig. 3.91. Asterisk removal with a chain of a drive of the oil pump from a cranked shaft

– remove an asterisk with a chain of a drive of the oil pump from a cranked shaft (fig. 3.91) ;

Fig. 3.92. Arrangement of bolts of fastening of the oil pump

– turn out 3 bolts of fastening of the oil pump to the block of cylinders (fig. 3.92) . A screw-driver separate the oil pump from the block of cylinders.
Firm plastic or wooden scraper clear of the remains of old hermetic privalochny surfaces of the oil pump and the block of cylinders and clear them solvent.
Check the oil pump on absence of damages.

Fig. 3.62. Distance measurement between chain links: X = 122,6 mm for a chain of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism between 16 rollers or 8 links of a chain; X = 52,4 mm for a chain of a drive of the oil pump between 8 rollers or 4 links of a chain

Check chain links on lack of cracks, wear of rollers and lateral plates. Check a condition of teeths of asterisks which should be symmetric. Pull a chain and measure distance between 8 rollers or 4 links of a chain which should be equal 52,4 mm (see fig. 3.62 ). Carry out this check on several sites of a chain. If the chain was extended, replace in a set a chain and asterisks.

Fig. 3.63. Measurement of diameter of an asterisk on chain rollers

Wrap up each asterisk a chain and measure diameter of an asterisk on chain rollers (see fig. 3.63 ). If the received size exceeds the minimum diameter of a chain, replace in a set a chain and asterisks.

Fig. 3.93. Places of measurement of depth of dredging on a directing chain of a drive of the oil pump: X = no more than 0,5 mm

Fig. 3.94. An arrangement of a lubricant opening of a directing chain

Check directing to a chain on lack of excessive wear. Keep in mind that insignificant wear of the directing — this normal phenomenon. Depth of dredging on a directing chain should be no more than 0,5 mm (fig. 3.93) . In the presence of excessive wear check a lubricant opening of a directing chain on the forward party of the block of cylinders on absence of pollution and a contamination (fig. 3.94) . If the opening is blocked, wear of chains of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism and the oil pump will sharply increase.
Installation make in the following order:
– fill the oil pump with oil for what pour a small amount of pure engine oil in an entrance opening of the pump and turn a shaft of a drive of the pump;
– establish the oil pump with new laying on the block of cylinders and fix bolts, having tightened them cross-wise the moment of 19 N • m;

Fig. 3.95. Combination of color labels on a chain with labels on asterisks

– be convinced that a cranked shaft will turn on 90 ° counter-clockwise, the shponka of a cranked shaft is established in the left horizontal situation and an asterisk of a drive of the oil pump by the turned label up. Establish a chain of a drive of the oil pump on asterisks so that color labels on a chain were combined with labels on asterisks (fig. 3.95) ;
– screw and tighten a bolt of fastening of an asterisk of the oil pump the moment of 30 N • m;
– establish a natyazhitel of a chain and fix it a bolt, having tightened a bolt the moment of 12 N • m.
Further installation carry out to sequences, return to removal, taking into account the following.
Check and, if necessary, finish oil level to norm.
Start up the engine and check pressure and absence of leakages of oil.