Replacement make in the following order:
– remove a pulley / quencher of fluctuations from a cranked shaft;
– note situation and depth of installation of an old sealing ring;
Fig. 3.87. Extraction of a forward sealing ring of a cranked shaft from a chain cover
– the special tool or a big screw-driver get a sealing ring from a chain cover
(fig. 3.87)
. Be careful not to damage a cover of a chain and a cranked shaft;
– clear a nest of a sealing ring. Grease with engine oil an external surface of a sealing ring;
– a tubular opravka, with external diameter a little smaller external diameter of a ring, establish a sealing ring into place. Check that the ring is established without a distortion and on the same depth, as earlier established ring;
Fig. 3.88. Plug installation on a nave of a pulley / quencher of fluctuations
– check a surface condition on a nave of a pulley / quencher of fluctuations contacting to a sealing ring. If on a surface of a nave there are flutes from long contact to a sealing ring, for restoration of a surface establish on a nave the plug delivered in spare parts
(fig. 3.88)
. It is possible to establish the plug, napressovyvy a hammer through wooden whetstone;
– grease a nave or the plug on a nave with fresh engine oil and establish a pulley / quencher of fluctuations on a cranked shaft;
– establish on a pulley/quencher of fluctuations the special adaptation fixing it from a provorachivaniye, and a face natural a big shoulder screw the central bolt and tighten it the moment of 170 N • m.
Further installation carry out to sequences, return to removal.