RAV4 PAB4-Toyota Toyota
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance
3. Engines
4. Cooling and conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of production of the fulfilled gases
   General information
   Technical characteristics of system of injection of fuel
   Sbrasyvaniye of pressure in fuel system
   General check of fuel system
   Fuel pump
   Regulator of pressure of fuel
   Fuel level sensor
   Fuel tank
   Case of the air filter
   Accelerator cable
   Electronic system of injection of fuel
      Check of electronic system of injection of fuel
      Diagnostics of electronic system of injection of Toyota TCCS fuel with dynamic ignition
      Throttle knot
   Damper of pulsations of fuel on models since 2001
   Distributive fuel highway and nozzles
   System of production of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. Transmission
10. Driveshaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. Suspension bracket
13. Steering and running gear
14. Body
15. Electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Fuel system and system of production of the fulfilled gases>> Electronic system of injection of fuel>> Check of electronic system of injection of fuel
At check of electronic system of injection of fuel act as follows:
Check reliability of connection of electric sockets. Violation of electric connection brings in the socket to failures in work of electronic system of injection of fuel.
Check a condition and degree of a zaryazhennost of the storage battery because the control unit and sensors cannot work with the engine (PCM) as appropriate at a low voltage of a food.
Check a condition of a filtering element of the air filter. At its pollution the amount of the air arriving in cylinders of the engine therefore engine capacity will decrease decreases and fuel consumption will increase.
Check operation of the fuel pump. If the fuel pump does not work, check serviceability of a safety lock in a power-supply circuit of the fuel pump. If the safety lock is serviceable, and the fuel pump does not work, check a power-supply circuit of the fuel pump.
Check the vacuum hoses connected to an inlet collector on absence of damages, defects and unreliability of their connection.
Remove an air inlet branch pipe from throttle knot and check a condition in throttle knot on absence of deposits of soot and other pollution, especially round a butterfly valve. In the presence of pollution check systems of compulsory ventilation of a case (PCV) and a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases (EGR).
At operation of the engine as the stethoscope which has been serially put to each nozzle, check their working capacity. If clicks are audible, means, electric chains of management of nozzles are serviceable, however it is necessary to mean that internal pollution can break work of nozzles. In this case clean or replace nozzles.
In case the clicks published at work of a nozzle are not audible, disconnect the electric socket and measure resistance of a nozzle. If resistance of a nozzle differs from demanded, replace it.
If the nozzle does not work, but its resistance is in norm limits, check serviceability of the control unit the engine (PCM) and an electric power-supply circuit of a nozzle.