Replacement of covers of the steering mechanism make as follows:
Tighten the parking brake and block back wheels an emphasis.
Weaken nuts of fastening of a forward wheel.
Lift a forward part of the car and establish on support.
Remove a forward wheel.
Remove a tip of steering draft and turn out a lock-nut.
Fig. 13.12. Cutting of a collar of fastening of a protective cover to the steering mechanism
Cut or weaken and remove collars of fastening of a protective cover to steering draft and the steering mechanism
(fig. 13.12)
Remove a protective cover, shifting it on steering draft.
Before installation of a new cover wrap up a sticky tape a carving part of steering draft for an exception of damage of a cover.
Pulling on steering draft, establish a new protective cover and fix it collars.
Remove a sticky tape and screw on steering draft a tip of steering draft.
Insert a pin of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draft into a rotary fist and fix it a nut and a pin.
Establish a wheel, screw nuts, lower the car and tighten nuts of fastening of a wheel.
Check and if necessary adjust corners of installation of wheels.