Fig. 9.2. Arrangement of the switch of lamps of a backing above transmission case
The switch of lamps of a backing is located above a transmission case
(fig. 9.2)
Include ignition and include backing transfer, thus the switch should include backing lamps.
If lamps of a backing did not light up, check serviceability of a safety lock in an electric chain of lamps of a backing.
If the safety lock is serviceable, disconnect the electric socket from the switch and an ohmmeter check a condition of its contacts which by the included transfer of a backing should be closed (resistance equally 0). Establish the gear shifting lever in neutral situation, thus contacts of the switch should be opened and the ohmmeter should show infinitely big resistance (lack of conductivity). In case of malfunction replace the switch.
If the switch is serviceable, check a condition of an electric chain between a safety lock and the switch. If the electric chain is serviceable, possibly, fused lamps in backing lamps.
If lamps in lamps of a backing are serviceable, check a wire connecting the switch to lamps.
Disconnect the electric socket from the switch of lamps of a backing.
Turn out the switch from a transmission case.
Before installation check the new switch. Connect to switch contacts an ohmmeter and be convinced that at the pressed plunzher of the switch contacts are closed, and at the released — are opened.
Screw the switch in a case of a transmission and tighten it the demanded moment.
Connect to the switch the electric socket.
Check work of lamps of a backing.