At installation use on one axis of the car of a spring with identical technical characteristics (with identical color marking).
Examine the case and a shock-absorber rod. On the case there should not be mechanical damages, on a rod — corrosion traces. Establish the shock-absorber in vertical situation and check its work, moving a rod at full capacity, and also up and down on 50–100 mm. In all cases the rod of the shock-absorber should move smoothly, with notable resistance. If the rod of the shock-absorber moves breakthroughs or there are mechanical damages, replace the shock-absorber.
The rod of the gas-filled shock-absorber can spontaneously be put forward from the shock-absorber. Absence of spontaneous promotion of a rod from the shock-absorber does not testify to malfunction of the shock-absorber. In this case the gas-filled shock-absorber continues to work as the hydraulic shock-absorber. The shock-absorber carries out the functions and in the absence of superfluous pressure of gas, but thus there can be an additional noise when moving piston.
Check absence of leakages of amortizatorny liquid. The small podtekaniye of oil is allowed at preservation of normal operability of the shock-absorber. If the spot of the liquid which has flowed out from the shock-absorber, extends only to the bottom support of a spring, it is considered the normal phenomenon. At an insignificant podtekaniye of liquid from the shock-absorber the sealing ring of a rod of the shock-absorber that increases term of its service is greased.
In the presence of strong leakages of liquid replace the shock-absorber.
Fix the shock-absorber in a vice with soft sponges.
Fig. 12.5. Details of a rack of a forward suspension bracket: 1–consolidation; 2–the top support of a rack with the bearing fixed in it; 3–nut; 4–cap; 5–top nest of a spring; 6–the goffered protective cover; 7–buffer; 8–bottom nest of a spring; 9–rack of a forward suspension bracket; 10-spring
Put forward a shock-absorber rod for all length and establish on it the rubber buffer
(fig. 12.5)
Fig. 12.6. A dredging arrangement for installation of the bottom round of a spring
Establish a cylindrical spring so that its bottom end settled down in dredging in the lower part of a nest of a spring
(fig. 12.6)
Fig. 12.7. An arrangement лысок on a shock-absorber rod for fixing of the top nest of a spring
Establish top гнедо springs so that it was accurately established on лысках a shock-absorber rod
(fig. 12.7)
Establish a protective cover and the top support on a rod of the shock-absorber and fix a nut, having tightened it the moment specified in specifications.
Establish a forward rack on the car.