ABS modulator
Fig. 11.10. The ABS modulator of models till 2001 (the modulator of 4WD models of 1996 has insignificant differences): 1–bolt; 2, 4 – a pillow; 3–ABS modulator; 5–modulator arm; 6–tank of the amplifier of a steering
Fig. 11.11. The ABS modulator of models since 2001: 1–bolt; 2–electric socket of the modulator; 3–bolt; 4, 9 – pillows; 5–a tank of the amplifier of a steering with an arm; 6–ABS modulator; 7–pillow; 8–modulator arm
Enclose under the modulator pure rags for collecting the leaked brake liquid. A cap key unscrew nuts and disconnect 6 tubes from the ABS modulator
(fig. 11.10, 11.11)
Remove and take aside a compensatory tank of the amplifier of a steering. On models till 2001 turn out a bolt and disconnect the holder of a pipe of the amplifier of a steering from an ABS modulator arm.
Disconnect the electric socket from the ABS modulator.
Turn out bolts and remove the ABS modulator together with an arm.
If necessary turn out bolts and remove the ABS modulator from an arm.
Installation make in sequence, return to removal.
After installation remove air from hydraulic brake system.
Sensor of frequency of rotation of a forward wheel
Tighten the parking brake and block back wheels an emphasis.
Weaken nuts of fastening of a forward wheel. Lift a forward part of the car and establish it on support. Remove a forward wheel and an antisplash guard of an arch of a forward wheel.
Track on a sensor wire an arrangement of the electric socket and disconnect the socket.
Turn out bolts of fastening of a wire of the sensor.
Fig. 11.3. Forward sensor of frequency of rotation: 1–rotor of the sensor of frequency of rotation of a forward wheel; 2–plug; 3–sensor of frequency of rotation of a forward wheel
Turn out a bolt and remove the sensor of frequency of rotation of a wheel and the plug from a rotary fist (see
fig. 11.3
Installation make in sequence, return to removal, taking into account the following.
Bolt of fastening of the sensor tighten the moment of 8 N • m.
The sensor of frequency of rotation
of a back wheel on all models,
except models with one leading
bridge of release since 2001
Remove a pillow and a back of a back seat.
Disconnect the electric socket, then вытолкните condensing ring and a sensor wire from a korytoobrazny element of a floor.
Block forward wheels an emphasis. Weaken nuts of fastening of a back wheel. Lift a back part of the car and establish it on support.
Turn out a bolt of fastening of a cable of the parking brake to the lever of a back suspension bracket.
Turn out a bolt of fastening of a plait of wires to a protective arm.
Fig. 11.4. The back sensor of frequency of rotation on all models till 2001 and on all-wheel drive models since 2001: 1–sensor of frequency of rotation of a back wheel; 2–rotor of the sensor of frequency of rotation of a back wheel
Turn out a bolt and remove the sensor of frequency of rotation of a wheel and the plug from a back beam
(fig. 11.4)
Installation make in sequence, return to removal, taking into account the following.
Bolt of fastening of the sensor tighten the moment of 8 N • m.
The sensor of frequency of rotation
of a back wheel on models
with one leading bridge
of release since 2001
Block forward wheels an emphasis. Weaken nuts of fastening of a back wheel. Lift a back part of the car and establish it on support.
Fig. 11.5. The back sensor of frequency of rotation on models with one leading bridge of release since 2001: 1–electric socket; 2–sensor of frequency of rotation of a back wheel; 3–nave; 4–brake drum
Disconnect the electric socket from the sensor of frequency of rotation of a back wheel
(fig. 11.5)
Remove a nave of a back wheel together with the bearing.
Hammer through a tubular opravka beat out the sensor from a support of a back nave.
Installation make in sequence, return to removal, taking into account the following.
The press and the adapter established on an external ledge of the sensor is necessary for installation of the new sensor.
Delay sensor
Remove a back part of the central console.
Fig. 11.12. Delay sensor: 1–electric socket; 2–delay sensor
Disconnect the electric socket from the sensor, turn out 2 nuts and remove the delay sensor
(fig. 11.12)
Installation make in sequence, return to removal.