Remove the driveshaft.
With paint or marker put combination labels on flanges of the universal hinge and the driveshaft.
Turn out 6 bolts and divide two half of the driveshaft.
Hammer and chisel release a zakontrenny part of a nut of the universal hinge.
Fix a back flange of a forward part of the driveshaft in a vice with soft sponges, turn out and remove a nut with a lamellar washer.
Fig. 10.14. An arrangement of labels (1) combination on a flange and a forward part of the driveshaft
With paint or marker put labels 1
(fig. 10.14)
of combination on a flange and a forward part of the driveshaft.
Stripper with two captures remove a connecting flange from the driveshaft.
Remove a washer and the basic bearing from the driveshaft.
Check a condition of the basic bearing. It should rotate easily, smoothly and without jammings.