Toyota RAV4>> Cooling and conditioning systems>> General information>> Central air
Central air cools and drains air in salon. The coolant circulating in the form of liquid in that part of system where the high pressure is supported, evaporates and turns into gas on a site of low pressure. At expansion of gas there is a cooling, being accompanied heat selection from the air submitted by the fan to passenger salon. From the air submitted to salon, on the evaporator moisture is condensed. The compressor of central air given by a belt from a cranked shaft of the engine, grasps a gaseous coolant, compresses it and sends to the condenser close to a radiator of cooling of the engine. During passing via the condenser the coolant passes to a liquid state, giving absorbed to warmly counter flow of air. Then the liquid coolant via dosing-out valve again gets to the evaporator, thus, the cycle of selection of heat repeats.