RAV4 PAB4-Toyota Toyota
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance
3. Engines
   Engine 3S-FE repair without its removal from the car
   Engine 1AZ-FE repair without its removal from the car
   Diagnostics and preparation of the engine for major maintenance
      Specifications for check
      General information
      Check of pressure of oil
      Compression check in engine cylinders
      Engine diagnostics by means of the vacuum gage
      Alternative to major maintenance of the engine
      General recommendations about removal and engine installation
      Removal and engine installation
      Sequence of dismantling of the engine
      Start and engine running in after major maintenance
4. Cooling and conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of production of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. Transmission
10. Driveshaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. Suspension bracket
13. Steering and running gear
14. Body
15. Electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Engines>> Diagnostics and preparation of the engine for major maintenance>> Sequence of dismantling of the engine
The engine is recommended to be assorted at the special stand, in the absence of the stand establish the engine on an equal horizontal platform.
If the restored engine is got, it is necessary to remove all hinged units, and to establish them subsequently precisely in the same order on the new engine. Such units treat:
– elements of control of issue of the fulfilled gases;
– the ignition distributor (only on engines till 1997);
– high-voltage wires and ignition coils;
thermostat and thermostat cover;
the water pump (only on engines since 2001);
– bypass branch pipe of system of cooling;
– inlet and final collectors;
– oil filter;
– support;
– drive flywheel / plate.
If the block of cylinders of an incomplete complete set is got, it is necessary to remove and establish on the new engine:
– gear belt or chain of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism;
– head of the block of cylinders;
– oil pump;
the water pump (only on engines till 2001);

Fig. 3.99. Places of drawing of a layer of hermetic (1) on the bottom case and an arrangement of a sealing ring before its installation on the block of cylinders on models since 2001

Fig. 3.100. Arrangement of bolts of fastening of the bottom case: And — long bolts; In — short bolts

– bottom case (fig. 3.99, 3.100) ;
– forward covers;
– oil pallet;
– cover of a head of the block of cylinders.