Toyota RAV4>> Electric equipment schemes>> Schemes 11-20
Scheme 11
Scheme 11. Headlights of models since 2001: 1–storage battery; 2–block of fuses; 3–from illumination of a combination of devices; 4–ignition lock; 5–the ECU block from the forward passenger; 6–connection about the right panel; 7–connection under a forward right wing; 8–connection under a forward left wing; 9–relay; 10-indicator of inclusion of lighting; 11-left headlight; 12-right headlight; 13-connecting socket; 14-the combined switch of lighting; 15-connecting socket; 16-connection about the left panel
Scheme 12
Scheme 12. Internal illumination of models of 1996-1997: 1–the switch at doors of the driver; 2–the switch at doors of the forward passenger; 3–integration relay; 4–a signaling device of not closed door; 5–personal lighting; 6–connecting socket; 7–the switch in a back left door; 8–the switch in a back right door; 9–the switch at doors of a luggage compartment; 10-connecting socket; 11-lamp of internal lighting
Scheme 13
Scheme 13. Internal illumination of models of 1998-2000: 1–the switch at doors of the driver; 2–the switch at doors of the forward passenger; 3–the switch at doors of a luggage compartment; 4–the switch in a back left door; 5–the switch in a back right door; 6–connecting socket; 7–combination of devices; 8–lamp of internal lighting; 9–personal lighting
Scheme 14
Scheme 14. Internal illumination of models since 2001: 1–storage battery; 2–block of fuses; 3–ignition lock; 4–connecting socket; 5–a signaling device of not closed door; 6–connection about a door of a luggage compartment; 7–the switch in a back right door; 8–the switch in a back left door; 9–the switch at doors of a luggage compartment; 10-the ECU block from the forward passenger; 11-lamp of illumination of a luggage compartment; 12-internal lighting; 13-personal lighting; 14-connection about the switch management of the elevating and movable panel of a roof; 15-right protective panel; 16-the switch in a forward right door; 17-the switch in a forward left door; 18-from a combination of devices
Scheme 15
Scheme 15. The index of turn and the alarm light system of models till 2001: 1–control lamps of indexes of turn; 2–lamp of the back left index of turn; 3–lamp of the back right index of turn; 4–switch of indexes of turn; 5–switch of the alarm light system; 6–safety lock of the alarm light system and sound signal; 7–safety lock of indexes of turn; 8–relay of indexes of turn; 9–connecting socket; 10-connecting socket; 11-lamp of the forward left index of turn; 12-lamp of the forward right index of turn; 13-connecting socket; 14-connecting socket
Scheme 16
Scheme 16. The index of turn and the alarm light system of models since 2001: 1–lamp of the back left index of turn; 2–lamp of the back right index of turn; 3–lamp of the forward left index of turn; 4–lamp of the forward right index of turn; 5–switch of indexes of turn; 6–relay of indexes of turn; 7–connecting socket; 8–switch of the alarm light system; 9–connecting socket; 10-control lamps of indexes of turn
Scheme 17
Scheme 17. Dimensional lighting and illumination of models of 1998-2000 (models of 1996-1997 are similar): 1–storage battery; 2–fuse; 3–lighting switch; 4–relay of inclusion of dimensional lighting; 5–to the integrated relay; 6–lamp of forward right dimensional lighting; 7–lamp of forward left dimensional lighting; 8–lamp of forward right parking lighting; 9–lamp of forward left parking lighting; 10-connection with the left panel; 11-connection about the right side of a radiator; 12-connection about the left side of a radiator; 13-connection about a back left door; 14-connection about the right central rack; 15-lamp of illumination of registration plate; 16-lamp of back right dimensional lighting; 17-lamp of a lamp of back right dimensional lighting; 18-connecting socket; 19-lamp of back left dimensional lighting; 20-lamp of a lamp of back left dimensional lighting; 21-connection about the left central rack; 22-lamp of illumination of the switch of the alarm light system; 23-lamp of illumination of the lighter; 24-lamp of illumination of the switch of a heater of back glass; 25-lamp of illumination of the switch of blocking of differential; 26-lamp of illumination of the switch of the selector of a transmission; 27-lamp of illumination of a combination of devices; 28-lamp of illumination of the switch of the fan; 29-lamp of illumination of the switch of the conditioner; 30-lamp of illumination of the lever of a transmission; 31-lamp of illumination of a radio receiver; 32-rheostat; 33-connection with the left protective panel
Scheme 18
Scheme 18. Dimensional illumination of models since 2001: 1–lamp of illumination of registration plate; 2–lamp of forward left dimensional lighting; 3–lamp of forward right dimensional lighting; 4–relay of inclusion of dimensional lighting; 5–electric socket; 6–lighting switch; 7–lamp of a lamp of back left dimensional lighting; 8–lamp of a lamp of back right dimensional lighting; 9–connecting socket; 10-connecting socket; 11-the ECU block from the forward passenger; 12-connecting socket
Scheme 19
Scheme 19. The central lock of models of 1998-2000 (models of 1996-1997 are similar): 1–storage battery; 2–fuse; 3–ignition lock; 4–IG1 relay; 5–connecting socket; 6–the switch of blocking of the central lock at doors of the driver; 7–connecting socket; 8–connection about the left panel; 9–switch of blocking of the central lock (the right switch of a drive of window regulators); 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 26 – connecting sockets; 14-the switch of blocking of the central lock from the forward passenger; 15-the switch of blocking of the central lock from the forward passenger; 17-connection on the right side of the dashboard; 18-the electric motor of a drive of the central lock at doors of the driver; 19-the electric motor of a drive of the central lock from the forward passenger; 20-the electric motor of a drive of the central lock in a luggage compartment; 21-the electric motor of a drive of the central lock in a back left door; 22-the electric motor of a drive of the central lock in a back right door; 23-from the relay of dimensional lighting; 24-from the control unit window regulators; 25-integrated relay
Scheme 20
Scheme 20. The central lock of models since 2001 (a part the 1st of 2): 1–storage battery; 2–fuse; 3–ignition lock; 4–switch and electric motor of a drive of the central lock; 5–connection about the central rack; 6–connection about the right panel; 7–switch and electric motor of a drive of the central lock of a forward right door; 8–the ECU block from the forward passenger; 9–connecting socket; 10-switch of the central lock of a forward left door; 11-switch of the central lock of a forward right door; 12-switch of the central lock of a forward left door (switch of a drive of window regulators)