Remove a cap from a nave or a decorative cap of a wheel. On models till 2001 take шплинт and unscrew a lock-nut of fastening of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel. On models since 2001 unbend the fillet of a nut bent in a groove of a shaft of a drive of a wheel.
Face natural a big shoulder (with the extension piece) unscrew a nut of fastening of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel.
Weaken nuts of fastening of a forward wheel, then lift a forward part of the car and establish it on support. Remove a wheel.
Merge oil from a transmission.
Turn out nuts and a bolt and disconnect from a rotary fist steering draft and the bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket.
Reject aside from the car a rotary fist and take a drive shaft from a nave of a forward wheel. If the shaft of a drive does not manage to be taken from a nave manually, beat out it a kiyanka. A soft wire suspend the external end of a shaft to a body, do not allow it to hang freely as the internal CV JOINT of a shaft of a drive can be thus damaged.
Fig. 10.1. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of the basic bearing of the right shaft of a drive on front-wheel cars with an automatic transmission
If the right shaft of a drive on the front-wheel car with an automatic transmission acts in film, turn out bolts of fastening of an arm of the basic bearing
(fig. 10.1)
If the right shaft of a drive on the front-wheel car with a mechanical transmission acts in film, remove a lock ring of fastening of the basic bearing.
Fig. 10.2. Mount use for extraction of a shaft of a drive from a transmission
In blow of a brass hammer on the mount established between the internal CV JOINT and a case of a transmission, take a drive shaft from a transmission and remove it from the car
(fig. 10.2)
. On models with the basic bearing for extraction of a shaft of a drive from a transmission insert mount between a case of a transmission and a bearing support.