Check of fuel tubes, hoses and their connections carry out as follows.
Dump pressure in fuel system.
Metal fuel tubes are laid under the bottom of the car and fixed by clips and screws-samorezami. Periodically examine them on absence of leaks and damages.
If at replacement of the fuel filter in it and fuel pipelines there is a dirt, surely disconnect pipelines and blow them the compressed air. Also check a condition of the mesh filter on the block of the fuel pump.
Never use copper or aluminum tubes instead of steel tubes established on the car as they can not sustain vibrations at car operation.
As fuel tubes are under a high pressure, they demand special service.
Some fuel tubes have carving connections with sealing rings which are necessary for unscrewing before service or replacement of components. In such connections konusny nuts which nuts at a tightening, in addition press out connection are used. Sealing rings check on lack of cracks and damages and if necessary replace. If replacement of steel tubes is carried out, establish only original tubes.
Flexible fuel hoses should settle down at distance not less than 100 mm from elements of system of production of the fulfilled gases and 250 mm from catalytic converter.
On some models establish nylon fuel hoses with quick-detachable connectors. In this case in need of replacement of one hose make replacement of hoses complete with quick-detachable connectors.
Replacement of fuel tubes/hoses make as follows.
Dump pressure in fuel system.
Release all clips, fixing a tube/hose to a car body.
On usual connections of a steel fuel tube and a hose, weaken a collar, then extend a tube of their hose. Provorachivaniye in different directions a tube and a hose facilitates separation process.
Fig. 5.3. Opening of a clip (1) quick-detachable connector
Fig. 5.4. Pressing of clamps and tube extraction from a quick-detachable connector
If connection of hoses is carried out by a quick-detachable connector, open and remove a clip, then one hand from two parties press clamps, and other hand take a tube from a connector
(fig. 5.3, 5.4)
At connection of tubes and hoses surely establish new sealing rings (if it is provided by a design).
On quick-detachable connectors combine a tube with a connector and insert a tube into a connector to a zashchelkivaniye it clamps.
Fig. 5.5. Usual connection of a hose with a steel tube: 1–steel tube; 2–hose; 3–collar
At usual connection of a hose with a steel tube pull a hose over a tube and fix connection by a collar
(fig. 5.5)